cellenONE basic Training - Theory


Welcome to the cellenONE Training

cellenONE® is a revolutionary platform based on sciDROP PICO precision dispensing technology and coupled with advanced image processing that provides real-time and high accuracy single cell isolation and dispensing.

In this course, you will be introduced to the cellenONE basics, from preparation to isolation of single cells.

You will be provided with video tutorials as well as lectures and guided exercises for making your way through the software. You will also find few surveys to help us to evaluate and improve the training. The course duration is approximately 4h.

At the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • Identify the key components of the cellenONE and explain the core PDC technology.

  • Identify the preparation steps to get the cellenONE ready for experiments.

  • Set a complete experiment with the cellenONE.

  • Launch the isolation run of single cells into a plate.

  • Effectively clean the cellenONE and PDC after experiments.

  • Generate reports and analyze the data of a experiment.

We hope you enjoy this course, but more importantly, we hope you enjoy your day! Have fun!

DISCLAIMER: the information presented here is provided as a support. You are advised to use the cellenONE after a training session with one of our experts. Using the device without the appropriate training is at your own risk and may expose the instrument to damage.

The training, presentations and all material provided by BICO are protected by international copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the training, presentations and all material without BICO’s written permission is prohibited.

  • Welcome Survey
  • Section 1. cellenONE Introduction
  • 1 - Introduction to the cellenONE
  • 2 - cellenONE vocabulary: positions, tools and accessories
  • 3 - PDC Technology
  • Exercises : cellenONE Introduction
  • SECTION 2. cellenONE preparation
  • 4 - Preparation and initialization of the cellenONE
  • 5 - System Liquid preparation
  • 6 - PDC Handling
  • 7 - Prime task
  • 8 - Drop optimization
  • 9 - How to prepare a cell sample for cellenONE isolation?
  • Exercises: cellenONE preparation
  • section 3.1. setting an experiment: basics
  • 10 - Choose Probe, Run and Target
  • 11 - Temperature Humidity setup
  • 12 - Target Setup
  • Exercises: Setting and experiment
  • section 3.2. setting an experiment: understanding the cellenone module
  • 13 - cellenONE Module
  • 14 - Background and Drop buttons
  • 15 - Sample uptake
  • 16 - Detection parameters
  • 17 - Mapping
  • 18 - Isolation parameters
  • Exercises: detection & isolation parameters
  • section 3.3. setting an experiment: fluorescence
  • 19 - One fluorescence channel activated
  • 20 - Setting parameters when fluorescence is weak
  • 21 - Multiple fluorescence
  • 22 - Analysis
  • Exercises: Fluorescence settings
  • section 3.4. setting an experiment: advanced subtab
  • 23 - Multidrop tool: how to speed up an isolation run
  • 24 - When to activate Z axis movement?
  • Exercises : Advanced settings
  • Middle Satisfaction Survey
  • section 4. cellenONE during the run
  • 25 - Start the run
  • 26 - Pause and stop the run
  • Exercises: During the Run
  • section 5. Post-run analysis
  • 27 - Generated files organization
  • 28 - Post-analyze your run with the cellenAnalysis
  • 29 - Generate PDF report of your run
  • Exercises: Post-run analysis
  • section 6. Finishing an experiment with the cellenONE
  • 30 - After experiment, wash the PDC and dry it
  • 31 - How to keep your cellenONE clean along experiments
  • 32 - 14 days wash procedure
  • 33 - Turn off the cellenONE
  • Exercises: Finish experiment and turn off procedure
  • Final Satisfaction Survey
  • interacting with cellenion experts and with other customers
  • Discussion board
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "1 - Introduction to the cellenONE, 2 - cellenONE vocabulary: positions, tools and accessories, 3 - PDC Technology, Exercises : cellenONE Introduction, 4 - Preparation and initialization of the cellenONE, 5 - System Liquid preparation, 6 - PDC Handling, 7 - Prime task, 8 - Drop optimization, 9 - How to prepare a cell sample for cellenONE isolation?, Exercises: cellenONE preparation, 10 - Choose Probe, Run and Target, 11 - Temperature Humidity setup, 12 - Target Setup, Exercises: Setting and experiment, 13 - cellenONE Module, 14 - Background and Drop buttons, 15 - Sample uptake, 16 - Detection parameters, 17 - Mapping, 18 - Isolation parameters, Exercises: detection & isolation parameters, 19 - One fluorescence channel activated, 20 - Setting parameters when fluorescence is weak, 21 - Multiple fluorescence, 22 - Analysis, Exercises: Fluorescence settings, 23 - Multidrop tool: how to speed up an isolation run, 24 - When to activate Z axis movement?, Exercises : Advanced settings, 25 - Start the run, 26 - Pause and stop the run, Exercises: During the Run, 27 - Generated files organization, 28 - Post-analyze your run with the cellenAnalysis, 29 - Generate PDF report of your run, Exercises: Post-run analysis, 30 - After experiment, wash the PDC and dry it, 31 - How to keep your cellenONE clean along experiments, 32 - 14 days wash procedure, 33 - Turn off the cellenONE, Exercises: Finish experiment and turn off procedure, Final Satisfaction Survey"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever